No matter the industry in which you find yourself, the key to success lies within the people that drive the business forward. Here are the three essential areas to consider for boosting employees’ engagement. 

Freedom of opinion

There are very few things that will hinder the productivity of your employees more than an environment where people can’t stand up and speak for themselves because they know there will be consequences. 

To stay away from such a toxic environment, it is essential to encourage constant feedback among employees, between leaders and their direct reports. It is important for everyone to understand how their work and involvement is perceived by the others in order to determine what needs to be improved.

Another simple tool that is equally effective in order to empower people to speak their minds, is brainstorming. If done at the right time, it can prove a valuable asset and ensure employees feel valued. Brainstorming is one of the easiest ways to create a space where people bounce ideas off each other, which eventually leads to innovation.

Work on promoting not just the acceptance of different opinions but also the necessity of it, as most brilliant ideas and actions are born from a healthy clash of differing opinions.  


Many would argue there isn’t anything more important in our life than the feeling of security. Even from the beginning of humanity in its most primal form, the need to feel safe was one of the main reasons that people stuck together and learned to protect one another. 

It was the first principle that helped build trust among human beings: the fact that one may rest in peace at night knowing that somebody is protecting the cave entrance, keeping them danger-free. 

In the modern world, especially in challenging, pandemic times as we find ourselves in now, this principle stays the same. Organizations must learn that people want and need to work in a safe environment, built on trusting relationships and open, honest communication. Get this right and productivity will skyrocket. 


All individuals want to advance their careers and achieve the goals in their personal development plan. It is only normal to want to grow, learning new skills, and companies have a responsibility to help people achieve as clear a career path as possible, or at least a direction. 

This can be very time consuming and demanding for managers, with seemingly few benefits in the short run. However, it definitely makes a powerful impact for all employees. Knowing that their interests are looked after and with their career aspirations nourished, people will deliver more in return. It’s the natural law of compensation.  

As such, companies should encourage people to join growth programs available within the company or externally as well as shadowing, trainings, etc. Another important factor is mentorship programs, that are hugely beneficial for both the mentor and the mentee.

Finally, HR can be a great asset that not all companies use to its greatest potential. HR can advise employees on what it takes to be successful in interviews, help with CVs, tips & tricks and more. 

In the end, looking after the people who are the at the core of the business is bound to result in great success, and the best way to do this is by building a safe environment for them to grow and express themselves.

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