The process of winning your customer does not end at closed-won. You have proven that your product solves their need, but what happens after that? The next hurdle is having a positive customer experience in every interaction with your team and fostering a relationship that is mutually beneficial. In the employee onboarding process, highlight the ways they can be proactive and anticipate the customer needs. When it comes to anticipating the needs of your customers, ask for feedback, use a CRM to track customer engagement, and bring a personal touch to service. 

Surveys are one of the easiest ways to request feedback from your customers. Depending on what type of data you are looking to collect, there are different ways to set up your survey. One of the most popular styles, and the one that we at 4D Global use, is the Net Promoter Score (NPS). It is one simple question; on a scale from 1-10 how likely are you to recommend us to a friend?

  • Promoters are those that give a score of 9 or 10. They are happy with your service and will help fuel growth
  • Passive is a score of 7 or 8. They are neutral about the services, but vulnerable to other offers.
  • Detractors are those that give any score below 7. They are unhappy and can hinder growth with negative word of mouth. 

From there you take the percentage of promoters and subtract the percentage of detractors and you get your NPS. To further understand why you customer has chosen the score they selected, follow up the survey with a few open ended questions. This gives your customer a chance to really be heard and alternatively give you the chance to improve on your product/services. 

  • How can we improve our service?
  • Are there other services you are interested in?
  • Why did you give us that score?

The survey should be short, sweet and to the point. Be direct with your questions to get the data you are looking for and do not take too much time from your customers day. Embrace the positives, strategize for the negatives and do not be discouraged by those who do not answer. 

You have all your data on each customer, but how do you manage it? A customer relationship management software can take your business to the next level. All of the information you have gathered about your customers is organized in one place. Everyone on your staff will be able to log their last conversation with a customer, any important or relevant information, and even fun facts about that individual. There will be no confusion or misunderstandings, especially if a customer is having an issue that needs to be handled by upper management. All of the details will be listed there for everyone. 

The divide between B2C and B2B is becoming more and more narrow. Buyers want to feel the same personal touch across all industries. Take the time to learn about your customer! Over time you will learn about birthdays, anniversaries and other significant days in their life. By sending them a small gift, you are showing that you care about them beyond your professional relationship. Handwritten letters also put a nice personal touch on follow-ups. Everyone expects to get an email from their vendors, but most people associate handwritten letters with friends and family. Customers loyalty goes beyond the product, they are loyal to the relationship they have with your business.

Our team is here for your business with our round the clock services. Do you feel disconnected from your offshore team? Let’s set up a time to chat to see how we can ensure you feel all your needs are being met.

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